All About GMOs
Feb. 2024
By Mahathi Karthikeyan
Edited by Harvey Chen
So you've probably heard about GMOs: Are they good or are they bad? There is a lot of information shared about them in a negative way, however, GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, can also be advantageous if used ethically and moderately.
To begin, GMOs are produced by the altering of plant DNA using genetic engineering practices (n.d, National Geographic). GMOs are crops that achieve a higher yield in a timelier manner, along with inheriting other desirable traits such as a longer shelf life and resistance to pests and the numerous diseases that attack plants. The DNA of a plant is altered through the insertion of specific DNA strands. The unique DNA strand that contains the desirable trait is transferred to a plant through a couple of different methods. The primary approach is through bacteria plasmids which contain specific instructions for the bacteria itself. Once the specific DNA strand is inserted into the plasmid, it can be successfully relocated to the plant genome inside a plant cell. These plant cells are then used to grow new plants that will thus contain the genetic information desired and will have the advantageous trait. Another method that is also used is to coat “small metal particles with the DNA fragment and bombard the plant cells with those particles” (Royal Society, 2016) . These cells should also contain the enhanced trait through revising the genetic code of the plant.
So, are GMOs safe? Why are they beneficial as a whole?
Overall, foods that are altered by GMOs do have some risks worth mentioning. For some, the effect could be allergenic in nature, especially for people who are “predisposed to allergies” (2013, Bawa ,A.S). The overall health concerns still have to be researched, and there is a lot more to learn about the allergenic effects of certain GMOs. Current research shows that certain genetically modified foods could cause a stronger allergic reaction than those that are not. There is also an overall concern about consuming foods containing certain antibiotics that prevent the crops from infections, which could lead to potential antibiotic resistance in humans through digestion of dairy products. Although this is another risk that has to be studied further, there are numerous benefits of GMOs as well.
One of the major benefits to consider is the application of genetically modified crops in areas with massive drought. This has been significant for fighting global food shortages. Another positive aspect of GMOs is that they help with maintaining the lifespan through insect resistance among other traits used to help withstand harsh conditions that can help with maintaining crops such as heat or cold resistance genes. Overall, GMO crops have a lot of advantages, and research into different technologies that are used to conduct DNA transfer should continue. However, there are certain risks to consider and should be studied further.
Sources to learn more about GMOs:
1. Genetically modified organisms – National Geographic
2. “What is genetic modification (GM) of crops and how is it done” – The Royal Society
3. Genetically modified foods: Safety, risks and public concerns – AS Bawa, Journal of Food Science and Technology
4. Genetically Modified Products, Perspectives and Challenges – Karalis, Springer Nature