Journal of
Science and

Encompassing all areas of research in science and technology, JUST aims to provide an open-access platform for undergraduate students to share their research with UW-Madison and the Madison community at large.


  • Hi everyone, we hope you've had a great and restful summer! With the beginning of the semester upon us, we have some exciting information to share...

    1. We'll be at the Student Org Fair on Sep 10 and Sep 11!

      • Kohl Center (601 W Dayton St, Madison, WI 53703)

      • Table #245, 5-8 pm

    2. Application and submission forms for Fall 2024 have opened up!

    • Check back when the school year begins for more information regarding the Org Fair, how to join, submissions information, and more details!

Join JUST!

The application form has been released - we appreciate your interest and look forward to meeting you soon!

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